> 环球园艺(西安)有限责任公司

淘宝易批发网 2021-12-03 18:47 编辑:张林 284阅读

About GlobalHort Since its inception in 2006, GlobalHort has become one of the leading kiwifruit producers in Shaanxi Province and one of the leading integrated kiwifruit producer/processing/marketing companies in China. Global Horticulture Limited (GlobalHort) is a registered New Zealand company with its head office in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, PRC. By 2012 we expect GlobalHort to be the largest vertically integrated kiwifruit company – from orchard to market – in China and one of the largest in the world. GlobalHort specializes in horticultural consultancy, bare-land orchard development and value adding through an integrated value chain from orchard to market in order to optimize our ability to meet changing consumer demands, ensure product delivery of a world class product and maximize returns for our partners from orchard to market. 环球园艺(西安)有限责任公司成立于2006年,现已成长为陕西省猕猴桃生产企业中的龙头企业,也是中国集猕猴桃生产、加工、及市场营销为一体的综合性企业。环球园艺(西安)有限责任公司是一家经注册的新西兰外商独资公司,总部设在陕西省西安市。截止2012年,环球园艺有望成为中国和全球集果园和市场为一体最大的纵向型企业集团之一。